
Award Categories

Clinical Excellence Award for Doctors

The Clinical Excellence Award for Doctors recognizes individuals who have demonstrated outstanding performance and proficiency in clinical practice. This category highlights the importance of exceptional clinical skills, dedication to patient care, and contributions to advancing healthcare delivery.

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Who can apply?

Only Doctors

Evaluation parameters

Clinical Excellence Award for Nurses and Paramedics

The Clinical Excellence Award for Nurses and Paramedics recognizes individuals who have demonstrated outstanding performance and proficiency in clinical practice. This category highlights the importance of exceptional clinical skills, dedication to patient care, and contributions to advancing healthcare delivery.

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Who can apply?

Only Nurses and Paramedics

Evaluation parameters

Service Excellence

The Service Excellence Award celebrates the extraordinary efforts of employees who excel in interacting with customers, both within the company and outside, by consistently delivering exceptional service. This category honors those who truly embrace and exemplify Aster's pledge of "We'll Treat You Well" through their empathetic, courteous, and superior service standards, significantly enhancing the experiences of patients, their loved ones, and various collaborators.

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Who can apply?

All Functions

Evaluation parameters

Business Excellence

The Business Excellence Award recognizes individuals who demonstrate exceptional performance, innovation, and leadership in driving business success and achieving organizational goals. This category celebrates excellence in areas such as strategic planning, operational efficiency, financial management, and overall business performance.

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Who can apply?

All Functions

Evaluation parameters

Volunteering Excellence

The Volunteering Excellence Award recognizes individuals who demonstrate outstanding dedication, commitment, and impact through their volunteer efforts. This category celebrates employees who contribute their time, skills, and resources to support charitable initiatives, community service projects, and philanthropic endeavors aligned with Aster's values and mission.

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Who can apply?

All Functions

Evaluation parameters

Team Excellence

The Team Excellence Award recognizes outstanding teamwork, collaboration, and achievement within a team or department at Aster. This category celebrates teams that demonstrate exceptional performance, innovation, and synergy in achieving shared goals, driving organizational success, and promoting excellence.

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Who can apply?

1-Minimum team size of three members.
2-Cross functional teams working on a project.
3-Candidates applying for the Team Excellence category should note that the team lead must have been with the organization for a minimum of two years as of March 31, 2024. However, team members may have less than two years of tenure with the organization.

Evaluation parameters